I'm Engaged! How My Copywriting Skills Helped Me Meet My Guy

I got engaged this weekend! And here's what it made me think about online marketing...

His name is Josh and we met online about 6 months ago. We knew we wanted to get married about 2 months in, so I've been waiting for awhile to make it official.

And I'm so happy! It definitely feels right.


And the ring! 😍

The stone is morganite, which is a pink emerald. I have always wanted a gemstone ring as opposed to the traditional diamond ring and I'm totally thrilled with this one!


So here's the thing I wanted to share with our story of meeting each other that parallels with online marketing and business.

When I met Josh, I was extremely clear on what I was looking for in a partner.

I had been dating for nearly 20 YEARS by this time, and I was ready to quit dating and settle down.

And I'd just had my major surgery in order to preserve my fertility, so I knew that finding a guy who wanted kids was a priority.

I actually re-downloaded Bumble, the dating app where we met and took a screen shot of my profile.

There's a screen shot below of what Josh read that made him decide to swipe right on me.


As it turns out, this is some excellent copywriting that helped me to magnetize the guy who wanted the same things as me!

But I remember being SO nervous to boldly state that I wanted kids. I thought it would scare guys away!!

I was so wrong.

Instead, directly stating exactly what I wanted and who I was looking for did 2 things:

1) Repelled guys who weren't interested in having a family

2) Attracted an awesome guy who was clear that he also wants a family and he was impressed with my focus and clarity about it. He's also a very direct communicator so he appreciated my style.

Funny how that works, right?

And now I'm working on doing that same thing in my business and getting SUPER clear on who I want to work with and who I can help with my marketing offers.

Sometimes it feels difficult to write copy that REPELS people!

That's not nice, right?

Aren't we supposed to work with everyone who comes toward us?

But as I said in my Bumble profile above, it's actually useful to repel potential customers if they're not the right fit. It saves you and them a ton of time and energy!

So, I share this to inspire you to be bold in stating who you want to work with and who your offers can help.

You just might attract a new soulmate client (and also skip over the ones who aren't right for you).